Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 19 - Looking Up/Selina

Today's theme is Looking Up. I wanted to go outside and lay on the grass for the pictures and try to get a good shot up a tree, but the bass wood tree in the front yard is too full to really see anything and the maple tree is too skimpy and there's only dirt under it (and yuck! who wants to lay in the dirt?). So, the kids volunteered to model and climb the maple tree. Here's my Looking Up shot.

(F 5.6, 1/30 second, ISO 100, 150mm)


  1. He looks so thoughtful-like he's contemplating going higher up in the tree. :)

  2. Nice clarity and colors! (don't forget .. you need the I heart Faces button in your post in order to be eligible for the contest!) :<)
