I heard that the Thunderbirds were going to be at Fairchild Air Force Base for SkyFest 2010, so I planned our themes to include "flight" for today. I was so anxious to try out my camera for this. We had a great time, however it was 94 degrees, so we were roasting. But bringing lots of waters and the misting showers they had up for everyone were great at keeping us cooled down. While I was able to get some really great shots at SkyFest today, this is my most exciting shot, I would have liked it to be a bit more in focus, but it's still a pretty good one. I can't believe how close these two planes came. They call this the "reflection" maneuver.
(F 5.6, 1/2000 second, ISO 200, 300mm)
Wow! That would have been cool to see in person. Impressive shot!