Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 28 - Toys/Selina

Really?  You'd think this would have been a cinch with two children, two dogs, a cat, and two adults in the house.  But, it'd be easier if said kids cleaned their rooms and said adults weren't exhausted all the time.  I took Morgan to youth group again and had to take my pictures when we got back, which meant it was dark so I had to find something in the house.  I took some of my craft room since that's what I get to play with, but stamp cases and supplies don't make for the most creative pictures.  So, I wandered to Morgan's room in the hopes I could make something work.  Lucky for me, he had all the K'Nex toys right there in a bin for me.
(F 1.8, 1/50 second, ISO 800, 50mm)

1 comment:

  1. I ran into the same problem with the crafts. This is a cool shot-I was wondering what those were.
