Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 20 - Through the Fence/Selina

Through the fence...Heather and I both worried about appearing like peeping toms and getting arrested for trying to take these photos.  But I made it through...haven't heard from Heather yet.  :)  We headed up Manito Park today to try these pictures and I had some great shots of the kids in the Japanese Gardens, but my best "through the fence" shot was in the Old Fashioned Rose Garden.  Victoria did find a knot hole in one fence and she peered through it for me, but I didn't have any luck getting it to focus on her eye.  So, here we go:
(F 14, 1/200 second, ISO 400, 50mm)

1 comment:

  1. Well, if you would have answered when I made my one phone call... :) I love this picture! I think you should turn it into a 1,000 piece puzzle and give it to me for Christmas.
