Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 63 - Mouth-Dental/Selina

This was not a fun one for me.  I couldn't get the lighting right, but you know if I remembered before 9:00 that I had a project to do, it might be easier for me when I have better lighting.  Oh well, this was the best mouth shot I could get; too bad I wasn't as smart as Heather and just took a picture of the toothbrushes, etc!  This does show that Morgan is finally getting all his teeth in from his most recent dental work (had 9 teeth pulled in December and a spacer put in; the spacer is out and teeth or looking good so far).
(F5, 1/60 second, ISO 400, 42mm)

1 comment:

  1. My collection of dental stuff photo was due to a lack of a subject with teeth since Sammy wouldn't cooperate. Morgan's teeth are looking really good!
