Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 42 - Clouds/Selina

I was hoping for these kind of clouds today!  Lucky for me, I also had to drive down to Lewiston for work, so I made sure I brought my camera along.  I got a lot of great "cloud" shots, but some other really cool shots that had some of the beautiful scenery along the way.  It's such a long drive, but it sure is beautiful.  Here's my favorite shot.  It was not only my very lost shot, but I think it's the best and it just might be frame-worthy.  :)

(F 18, 1/125 second, ISO 100 and probably 75mm)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it!! Reminds me so much of my childhood days in Davenport and my college days in the Palouse. You should definitely frame this one-and give it to me. :)
