Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 41 - Over My Head/Selina

I tried a few different things to make this shot work.  I even wanted to take a picture of the huge rose bush on the side of the house, but I stepped on a thorn in the process.  Not good.  So, I came in the house for a bit and decided to try again later.  While watching tv with the family, I noticed that everything looked pink outside, so I went outside and so the pretty pink sky from the sunset.  Well, it's over my head, so I decided to try.   This is one of my favorite of those shots.

(F 5.6, 1/40 second, ISO 200) ... not sure on the mm as this laptop won't give me those details

1 comment:

  1. I love the colors and how they contrast with the tree. Great shot!
